Types of Foster Care

Regular Foster Care

Most children in care reside in Regular Foster Care where foster families provide for their day-to-day needs in a family setting. The goal, where possible, is to reunite the child with his or her family, which may be a few days, weeks or months. In some cases, children who are permanent wards of the Society (aka FACS) may remain in a foster home for several years until they are able to be independent or adopted.

During the orientation and assessment process, foster families discuss with their assessment worker the age and needs of children they might care for. With experience and increased skills, foster families may move to providing care for more challenging children.

Approved foster families who are ready for a placement are contacted with information regarding a child in need of placement. You do not have to accept every child presented for placement. We try to match a child to a family based on his or her needs and your skill and comfort level with regard to age, gender, behaviour level and other considerations.

Respite Foster Care

The Respite program appeals to people who want to foster on a part-time basis. Respite Foster Homes provide a break to our regular, full-time foster parents, or assistance when foster parents are away. Respite placements may be a few days to a few weeks. Some Respite Foster Families only provide care on weekends. This is a huge support to our full-time foster families and the children in their care.

Kinship (In-Care) Foster Homes

Kinship homes are a type of foster home provided by someone who is already known to the child, a relative, community member or a friend of the child’s family. These foster families operate much the same as regular foster families, except that the caregivers are known to the child and are open as a foster home for that specific child. These homes generally do not accept other children for placement. Kinship (in-care) foster families must complete our regular home study, assessment and training program, and are eligible for financial assistance from FACS.

Customary Care Homes

Customary Care Homes are places of safety within the Native or Aboriginal community. Customary Care is part of the continuum of care options for Aboriginal children. Customary Care is a model of Aboriginal child welfare service that is culturally relevant and incorporates the unique traditions and customs of each First Nation. Customary Care Agreements are used when protection concerns in a family require out-of-home placement. A Customary Care home must comply with all requirements of foster care licensing after 60 days, if that person is willing and able to continue providing a safe place for the child.