Summer Smiles 2017

Camp is…

A chance to laugh… A chance to play… A chance to grow…
More than anything it is a chance to be a kid!

And now a word from our campers…

“Hello! My name is *Reagan, I am 8 years old and I live in Fonthill. Thank you so much for sending me to camp! I had lots of fun! While at camp we got to swim, dance and sleep. Because of camp I learned that I shouldn’t be nervous to do things in front of people. When I go home, I will try to believe in myself more. Thank you again for sending me to camp.”

Reagan (*not her real name) is just one of 485 children throughout Niagara who were able to enjoy a summer camp experience last year, thanks to your generous donations. As you can see, Reagan had a lot of fun and did some learning and growing to boot!

That’s the wonderful thing about camp. It’s a great opportunity for kids to learn new things, about the world and about themselves. More importantly, it’s a chance for them to have fun. Many of the children we serve do not have a lot of opportunities for fun and recreation, but we can change that!

Last year, Family and Children’s Services Niagara helped more than 4,200 families in Niagara. With many of them facing financial hardship, mental illness, addiction and family violence; we are doing everything we can to support them in the care and safety of their children. There are no quick fixes and no easy answers.

What we can do is inject a little sunshine into their lives via Summer Smiles. Summer camp is a small thing but it means a great deal to the kids and families we serve. Camp gives kids the chance to develop social skills, leadership ability and boost self-confidence. It also provides support and respite to struggling families so they are better able to face any challenges ahead.

The best part is that the benefits of summer camp stay with kids far beyond the time spent there. Reagan is taking home with her a very important lesson – to believe in herself. The lessons learned and memories made at summer camp will last a lifetime.

We hope you will consider supporting Summer Smiles again this year. We are gearing up for another exciting camp season ahead and need your support to make it a success. Who knows what Reagan will achieve in the days and years ahead? Thanks to camp – she believes in herself and so do we!