Wendy's Wonderful Kids

Family and Children’s Services Niagara is excited to be implementing Wendy’s Wonderful Kids, a signature program of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption that will bring children waiting to be adopted from foster care one step closer to safe, loving and permanent homes.

Through Wendy’s Wonderful Kids, the Foundation provides grants to adoption agencies and children’s aid societies to hire and train adoption recruiters who implement the Foundation’s Child-Focused Recruitment Model. This model is up to three times more effective at serving children who have been in foster care the longest, including older youth, sibling groups and children with special needs.

Family and Children’s Services Niagara is proud to be a Wendy’s Wonderful Kids grant recipient. Every day, we strive to find forever homes for children in Ontario.

To learn more about the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption-Canada, contact Angela Marshall at angela_marshall@davethomasfoundation.org, subscribe to the Foundation’s newsletter and follow on Facebook and Twitter.