At FACS Niagara, we join with Canadians across the country in expressing our immense grief at the discovery of the remains of 215 Indigenous children in British Columbia. We also respectfully acknowledge the pain of Indigenous communities in learning this devastating news.

Our agency extends our most sincere sympathies and support for all members of the Indigenous community. We are committed to the protection and well-being of children, and tragic loss on this scale is incomprehensible.

We also humbly recognize the child welfare sector’s legacy with Indigenous people and our need to do better. We deeply regret the role our sector has played in perpetuating harms against Indigenous people.

At FACS Niagara, we are committed to our journey of reconciliation. We are respectfully and diligently working with our Indigenous partners in Niagara to keep Indigenous families together, to prevent Indigenous children and youth from coming into care, and ensuring cultural, ethnic, and linguistic supports for Indigenous children and youth in care.

There is more to be done. Recognizing the need for healing, we encourage survivors of the residential school system and those affected to reach out for support if needed. The national Residential School Crisis Line is 1-866-925-4419.