November is Adoption Awareness Month, a time to acknowledge and celebrate the many families that have been brought together through adoption and the permanency that it creates within a child’s life.

Adoption Awareness Month is an opportunity for FACS Niagara, and Children’s Aid Societies across Ontario, to create awareness about adoption and provide education on what could be an essential part of a child’s life. Permanency and stability are very important when it comes to the development of children. Adoption can sometimes be the best option to surround a child with a permanent support system.

Since April of this year, FACS Niagara has finalized 22 adoptions, with an additional 20 adoptions currently awaiting finalization.

“Our organization works to strengthen families and through adoption, we have the opportunity to add to a family or create one,” says Michelle Bernard, Director of Service at FACS Niagara. “Our goal is to ensure that a child’s safety and wellbeing is prioritized, and adoption can be an essential step to get there.”

FACS Niagara hosts adoption information sessions, currently held virtually, which can be booked by calling the organization directly at 905-937-7731. The sessions inform prospective applicants on the processes involved and help people be better informed and prepared when making the decision to adopt. The agency is also currently training adoptive parents on the 3-5-7 Model which provides guidance on relationships with children, youth and families. This training encourages understanding of stories around life events and people most important to one’s journeys of having safety and belongingness.

Our adoption processes ensure that those wanting to adopt are informed of the steps involved and the commitment that follows. FACS works closely with potential adoptive individuals and families to find the right match for a child or youth while maintaining a positive and supportive permanency journey.

If you’re considering adoption, research the subject and consider all options. To learn more about adoption and the processes involved, contact FACS Niagara for more information.

To learn more about FACS Niagara and the available programs and services, please visit our website.