Children and Youth in Care Day 2021Media Release
May 14, 2021

Today, Family and Children’s Services Niagara is celebrating the strength and resiliency of young people in care. Children and Youth in Care day is commemorated across Ontario and is recognized in the Children and Youth in Care Day Act of 2012. Recognizing the unique experiences of current and former children and youth in care is an important step towards ensuring they receive the supports they need to excel and reach their full potential.

“Current and former children and youth in care continue to find ways to succeed and thrive. Their resilience is incredibly inspiring, and we are so pleased to see the contributions they make to our communities each day,” said Anna Bozza, FACS Niagara Executive Director.

“Today is also an opportunity to thank the dedicated FACS team members and foster families who support these extraordinary young people, particularly during these challenging times,” added Bozza.

Children and Youth in Care Day is symbolized by the lion – known for its strength and courage. The design and choice of colour is intentional. The blue represents their limitless potential, and the purple represents strength.

Marking this annual event, the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) launched a new mental health initiative called “Take 5” to support current and former children and youth in care. The website provides resources specific to children and youth who are, or have been, in care. They include tools to cope with stress, connecting with identity and culture, and forming positive relationships with others.

Normally, FACS holds an in-person celebration for children and youth. It is an event current and former children and youth in care look forward to each year. However, with the current stay home order in place, FACS has postponed this celebration until a time when we can all gather safely. In lieu of in-person celebrations, FACS has reached out to foster homes and youth living independently with a gift to let them know we’re thinking of them on their special day.

Further Information:
Brett Sweeney
Director of Communications and Community Engagement
Family and Children’s Services Niagara
905.937.7731 ext. 3730