Starting the new school year can be a time of great excitement… and anxiety. Help calm your child’s fears (and your own) with these teacher-approved tips.

Back to School Tip #1: Meet the new teacher.
For kids, one of the biggest back-to-school fears is “Will I like my new teacher?” Take advantage of your school’s open house or back-to-school night. Some teachers welcome phone calls or e-mails — another great opportunity to get to know each other before the year begins.

Back to School Tip #2: Tour the school.
If your school hosts an open house, be sure to go. Familiarizing your child with his or her environment will help avoid a nervous stomach on the first day. With an older child, you might ask them to give you a tour of the school. This will help refresh their memory and yours.

Back to School Tip #3: Tool up.
Obtain the class supply list and take a special shopping trip with your child. Having the right tools will help him or her feel prepared. While keeping basic needs in mind, allow for a couple of splurges like a cool notebook or a favourite-colored pen. These simple pleasures make going back to school a lot more fun.

Back to School Tip #4: Ease into the routine.
Switching from a summer to a school schedule can be stressful to everyone in the household. Avoid first-day-of-school mayhem by practicing your routine a few days in advance. Set the alarm clock, go through your morning rituals, and get in the car or to the bus stop on time. Routines help children feel comfortable, and establishing a solid school routine will make the first day of school go much smoother.
