Foster Application Process

Step 1:
Call FACS Niagara at: 905-937-7731 or toll free 1-888-937-7731 and ask to speak to the Resources Intake worker. Participate in Phone Screening Process and have preliminary questions answered.

Step 2:
Information package and application mailed to applicant. Complete application and return.

Step 3:
Resources Intake worker will schedule an appointment for further assessment. Home safety inspection will be completed.

Step 4:
Resources Intake worker will register you and invite you to attend PRIDE (Parent Resources Information Development and Education) Pre-Service Training.

Step 5:
Have Criminal Records Check, Child Welfare Check, Health Report and Personal References completed, and returned to the agency.

Step 6:
Attend PRIDE (Parent Resources Information Development and Education) Training (9 weeks)

Step 7:
Continue with the Home Assessment process with Resources Intake worker.

Step 8:
Worker completes assessment and recommends or does not recommend applicant for approval. Worker meets with applicant to review report.

Step 9:
A foster home profile is created outlining availability of beds and what type of child would fit well in the home. Ready for Placement!

The entire application process takes approximately 6-9 months.