Children’s Rights

Are you a child or youth receiving services from FACS Niagara?

Do you live in a foster home, group home or secure treatment facility?

Are you currently in a youth justice facility?

Are you receiving services for your mental health, a developmental or physical disability?

You have RIGHTS that have been outlined in the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA)

Children’s Rights

Your RIGHTS include:

  • Express my own views freely and safely about matters that affect me
  • Be engaged in decisions that affect me, including about my identity, creed and community, and have my views given due weight in light of my age and maturity
  • Have a say in the services I receive
  • Express my concerns and suggest changes to those services and to be told about the decisions made about those services
  • Be informed of my rights
  • Be informed about the Ontario Ombudsman and how to contact that Office
  • Express my views about my treatment, education, work program, creed, community, identity and cultural identity and have my views given due weight in decision-making
  • Have a say in any decision about my placement in or discharge/transfer from a residential placement
  • Be informed about the procedures for making a complaint to the CAS and the Child and Family Services Review Board and of my right to ask for a review of my placement by the Residential Placement Advisory Committee
  • Know the rules of the home in which I live and my responsibilities while living there
  • Talk in private and receive visits from my lawyer, the Ombudsman, or a member of the Legislative of Ontario or the Parliament of Canada
  • Speak in private and visit with members of my family, subject to some limits set out in the Child Youth and Family Services Act
  • Send and receive communication that is not opened or altered, except as permitted by the Act
  • Reasonable privacy and possession of my own things
  • Take part in activities of my choice related to my creed, community identity and cultural identity
  • A plan of care designed to meet my needs, prepared within 30 days of admission to care, and to participate in its development
  • Be asked what aspects of my identity are important to me, have them considered in decisions that are made, and be offered a resource person to support me in meeting my needs related to my identity
  • Have access to good quality food and well-balanced meals
  • Be given appropriate clothing for my activities and the weather
  • Receive regular medical and dental care
  • Receive an education that is right for me
  • Take part in recreational, athletic and creative activities that are right for me
  • Be provided with French Languages services if that is my preferred language
  • Be asked what aspects of my identity and regional differences are important to me, and if I am a First Nations, Inuk or Metis child, about my cultures, heritages, traditions and connection to community; to have these matters considered in decision that are made, and be offered a resource person to support me in meeting my needs related to these matters
  • I also cannot be physically punished, locked up or detained (except under the criminal law), and restrained by physical or mechanical means except as expressly authorized by the CYFSA

If you would like more information about your rights, please visit: