It depends. The time for each placement varies to allow for the best matching of a child with a family. The more open a family is to the age and type of child they would consider, the less time it may take.
The number of children available for adoption fluctuates as children in our care become legally available for adoption.
They are children who have come into our care due to child protection concerns and are now permanently in our care, and by order of the court will not be returning to their families of origin. We also work with pregnant individuals who have chosen adoption for their children.
These children are of all ages and may or may not have special needs, health or behavioural concerns. We also have a number of sibling groups. We find that with committed families these children thrive.
Public adoption through FACS and other children’s aid societies is not costly at all. Legal, administrative and home study costs are covered by the agency.
No. Many families who already have children decide to expand their families through adoption.
Birth parents can be involved in selecting the family whom they would like to adopt their child. Values, lifestyle, education and heritage may be some of the characteristics they would like to consider. There is a growing move toward openness in adoption these days.